A few weeks ago while Todd was out of town my mom took the kids and I to the Zoo for the evening. Sadly when we got there we realized we only had a little over an hour before the Zoo would be closing (they close way too early!), so we had to rush our way through it a bit. But, given the short amount of time we actually saw quite a bit, covered a lot of ground and had tons of fun with the kids. Both of them were being total stinkers and not cooperating at all for pictures, but we got a few. I just love time out with Grammy. They kids just eat it up and there is something so fun and special about seeing my children with my mommy. I love it!
Aren't they just so cute to see playing together. It always makes me smile!
These were the only pictures we could get the kids to actually look at the camera during. So at least it is documented as to who was really on this outing. We love you Grammy!
It took her a little while to go for the first bite and then some more time to decide what to make of it all. I think she was a bit distraught over the marshmallow being smashed.
Conner and I on the other hand had no hesitation with our smores. Neither did Daddy ;)
Or Grammy. Who needs the smore though when you can just have the marshmallow??
Kellen opted for chocolate and then a banana. Silly boy.
Love it ! Doesn't it just amaze you how they come up with these things out of the blue ?
How stinkin cute! I love that you have now been "camping" how easy :) I love also that Makenna wanted to make Smores but did not really want to eat them, what a little hoot you got there. O love all the pictures, you guys are all so cute! Love ya!
personally i think smores are a waste of good chocolate but to each there own. love that you guys get to spend so much time together. looks like you had fun!!
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