I am a lame mom and my camera battery was dead when I went to turn it on to take pics of Makenna finding her basket and eggs on Easter morning. But what can you do. I was able to get some pictures of us all in our Easter best though. Must capture that if nothing else. We had a fun and relaxing Easter this year. Makenna enjoyed finding her Easter goodies. Kellen loved playing with and shaking the eggs. He tried his hardest to fit an entire egg in his mouth, but even though he is a big boy he is not That big. We had a relaxing, fun afternoon and then went over to Grammy and Pa's house for our Easter dinner. I was a really nice family day. And of course a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our saviors sacrifice and resurrection and how blessed we are to have a way to return to our father in heaven.
Makenna was tired and Kellen was sad and hungry. But hey, they are sitting next to each other and dressed cute. That counts for something.
Daddy and his little ones
Mama and her babes
I love being surrounded by such handsomeness!
My little mama's boy. I've gotta take it while I can! (These were taken after church when Makenna was not feeling in the mood to take pictures with us. There is no forcing a two year old to sit and smile if she doesn't want to)
She was however fine with taking a few on her own. (okay, maybe mom was bribing her with Easter candy, but hey, you do what you gotta do....she took the picture, right?)
She seriously melts my heart....
I am a very lucky woman.
See....he truly wanted that whole egg in his mouth!
Happy Easter!
such cute pictures!
You really have such a cute family! I LOVE Kellens chubby cheeks! I hope this little girl decides to get super chubby cheeks.
Cute Easterness! I'm liking the Easter Pic! And, yes, again, McKenna cracks me up-with her not wanting to take a pic, but willing to by herself. You have a beautiful family! Tell grammy and Pa hi and I hope they enjoyed their Easter too!
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