Sunday, October 12, 2014

As a kid I remember having different school performances, sports events, things of the sort and thinking my parents just loved every second of them. That they just ate it all up! And you know, I think I was right. I absolutely LOVE this kind of stuff and am so grateful that at Fletcher Hills each grade has one that they do! I can't get enough!
Makenna's 2nd Grade performance....A bunch of really cute patriotic songs (that I still have memorized because we sang them in the car All the time while she was learning them!) And she was even one of the kids selected to have a reading part. It was just a couple of lines, but I was really proud of her for getting up there in front of the microphone with All those parents watching and doing a great job. Though Makenna is a little fireball and a really funny, silly, outgoing kid, she does have her very shy side. She did great and made us all very proud and happy for her!

 As a 2nd Grader Makenna was also old enough to participate in the schools Bike Rodeo. She was Soooooo excited! They set up a whole variety of obstacles for the kids to ride through, weaving in and out of cones, going in a straight line, going as slow as they could, as fast as they could, etc. She did amazing! Perfect actually. Scored the highest she could on every obstacle. But then again, what else would you expect from a McKamey ;) 
 Last T-Ball game of the year. This season was really good for Kellen. He learned a lot about the sport, had a lot of fun, improved as a player, learned a lot about what it means to play on a team sport, made friends and worked hard! I was really proud of what a great job he did. Though he was ready for the season to be over and take a little break, he is also excited to play again. I am glad that he has found something the enjoys and wants to keep working at! Way to go #11

 I LOVE that my mom has a job where we get Amazing seats to the Padres Games! Amazing Seats! This was Conner's first Padre Game and he was so excited about it. It happened to be retro jersey night, which made it even more exciting for them. 

 We did all the fun things that you are supposed to do at a ball game....Peanuts, Cracker Jacks, Churros.... We were so close to the field that balls were coming into the stands around us all over the place. The boys had brought their gloves and were just DYING to get a ball. I kept telling them that I had been trying to get a ball since I was a little kid and that it probably wasn't going to happen, but that it is fun to try!
 Well, Guess who got a ball? This cutie! There were two guys right behind us that caught a ball one of the Padres players threw into the stands as they were running into the dugout. And right away his buddy said "Give it to the kid!" It was so sweet! Lucky, lucky boy!
 Gosh these boys just melt my heart! What a lucky mama!
This little cutie has been wanting to practice on the potty. A lot! And though we are not ready to do the full on thing, it makes me smile to see some excitement and interest. What a big girl!
 Kellen's end of the season team party. The kids had a blast and his coach was super sweet. He wrote something about each individual player and what it was that they had contributed to the team. He said very great things about Kellen....that he was always working hard and giving 100% and could always be counted on the be doing his best to help the team out. He really is one great kid! Just look at that smile for mom!!

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