Monday, September 2, 2013

The Highlight Reel

As much as I hate the idea of speeding through the months and only posting the major events, even more so I hate the thought of falling so behind in my blog that I am never able to catch up. I love the way that this has become a family journal in a sense....documenting the daily happenings of the family and watching the kiddos growing up in bits and pieces. So since life has gotten away from me and I am falling behind, we are going to play a bit of catch up with each months major events...and maybe a tad more.

Which brings us to the end of MARCH

Easter in March seemed weird, but we did it well! Of course plenty of eggs to dye. It is fun watching the kids get bigger and their egg designing becoming a bit more complex. 

Grammy usually throws her annual Grandkid Easter party at her house each year. But this year Grammy's kitchen (and entire house more or less) was under construction and in no condition for Easter festivities. So we took the kids to the ceramicafe and had them each pic out something to paint and went to lunch. Such a fun day!

You can tell Makenna is growing up - she picked a squirrel and when it was all done it truly looked like a squirrel. Very different from the multi-colored puppy she painted there a couple of years prior. Its happy and sad all at once. 
Part of our Grammy day consisted of taking a pic with the Easter Bunny. Conner was a bit concerned (evident by his worried smile), Kellen was over the moon and poor Makenna had a touch of innocence taken when she saw the assistant pull down the bunny's sleeve to cover his manly arm. She looked at me with huge eyes and I just motioned for her to be quiet and later explained that we didn't want to ruin the fun of it for Kellen and Conner. Thanks a lot easter bunny!
Kellen, sweet Kellen, wanted to surprise the Easter Bunny himself with a little hidden gift. It was complete with a sign which read "Happy Easter, Easter Bunny" and a picture of him and the Easter Bunny together, as well as a small note, a picture and some candy and plastic jewelry hiding under the desk. That boy loves to celebrate and make things special. It melts my heart every time.
Easter Morning didn't disappoint anyone. Baskets for all, eggs for everyone and even the Easter Bunny found Kellen's surprise and took his candy.

Easter Best 2013
And of course a close up of the babe, seeing that it was her first Easter and her dress was just too cute! She looked like a huge flower and I loved it!

After church we arrived back to the house only to find an extra surprise left by the Easter Bunny. On the Garage was instruction for us to go into the house where we would find an extra surprise that didn't fit in our baskets that morning. We went around back, the kids walked up to the sliding glass door and suddenly Makenna was shrieking....

On a bit of a whim the Easter Bunny decided it would be a good idea to give the kids a puppy. A small little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. A dog that could be an inside dog and a bit more of a daily companion. Someone that could cuddle them on the couch and sleep in their bed. And give them the opportunity to have the experience as young kids to get to have a puppy. Silly Easter Bunny.

Meet Toby. 

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