Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cupcake Craze!

Makenna and I were stuck indoors most of the day on Tuesday, and we desperately needed something to keep the darling toddler busy and occupied with so that she wouldn't continue to find her own unique ways of entertaining herself (ex: climbing on counter tops, emptying the box of tissue, putting any number of things in the potty, etc...)
So, Mommy and Makenna thought it would be a good idea to make cupcakes.
It was the first time I have really let Makenna go to town all by herself while "helping" me make/cook something. I set her up with her own little frosting station and let her do as she pleased. She actually tried to frost the cupcakes, which amazed me. Yes, the chocolate did get in her mouth about as much, if not more, than it got on the cupcakes themselves. Much of the chocolate also made it onto darling Makenna's body. I had to hose her down in the shower once it was all said and done. But it was a blast!
Nice chocolate smear right down the body. Let them be little, right?
See why we needed a shower after all of this?
Makenna's cupcakes that she did All on her Own! Not too shabby!


Kipn n' Sarah said...

I am so happy that you see and appreciate the wonderful blessing you have to be a stay at home mommy. There are so many women out there that do not appreciate it the way they should and that do not take the time to do fun little things like this in the middle of the day.
You are an amazing mommy that understands the phrase "Let them be little" and I love that so much about you.
Great Job Kenna, I am so proud of my Moosie!!!

The Hardy's said...

that is just the cutest post ever! its such a simple thing for you two do to, but such a great memory. i love that you are letting her be little. it is so sad to see some of these moms "sculpting" their kids into what they wish they could have been, and are not letting them have a real childhood. you are such a good mommy!

Anonymous said...

MMMM... those look FREAKIN DELICIOUS!! I want some!! ;) So.. I think I am going to make something now.. CRAP!!! AHHH!!! NICE... I have no kids and I am bored to death...HA!! My parents took them for I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG!! It's been awesome, but really I don't know what to do with myself!! ;)

The Picketts said...

Ok, seriously though? Your little girl is SO cute and looks like she has SO much personality! I love it! I'm excited to see what the new one will bring to your family!

Patrick and Effie said...

mmmmmmm! those, look, SO, Good! Good job Mackenna! She is so cute, i love how her hair is curly!!