Friday, January 25, 2013

I Never Knew... much love my heart could hold until someone called me Mom.

There is something magical about those first hours and days with your baby. Theoretically you should be completely exhausted. But instead, you are too in love to be exhausted. The same way you stay up all night with your boyfriend, whispering on the phone into the wee hours of the morning, knowing that you will be tired and paying for it the next just can't bring yourself to say goodbye and hang up the phone. Its the same with your brand new baby. As tired and drained as you may be you just want to keep staring at, touching, holding, kissing, smelling the sweet bundle in your arms. You memorize every inch of their body....their toes, their fingers, their ears, lips, nose, eyes. Though they sleep, and you should too, instead you sit and watch them sleep. And even when your body forces you to sleep, you hold her in your arms next to the warmth of your chest and sleep that way. Because having her in the small bassinet right next to your bed just seems to far away to handle. Well, maybe it is not like this for everyone. But it is how if feels for me. Almost like Mommy's version of separation anxiety. 

My doctor kept telling me she could see hair on the babies head when she would do her ultrasounds. But I don't think I really believe her because I was totally shocked when she came out with such a head of hair. She easily has more hair than the rest of our babies when they were born...combined. 
The reality of 4 kids for the first time. Conner was too in love to take his eyes of her, even for a moment.
Straight from heaven.

Makenna is sooooo happy to have a sister! And I am sooo happy that she has a sister. When you have a sister that means the world to you, you pray that your daughter will have the chance to have that same kind of relationship.
Kellen was just as perfect and sweet and gentle with her as I expected him to be. He has a very naturally loving and caring personality to him. I knew that now, being 4 and having even more maturity, that he would be a great big brother to his little sis. I know I will not be disappointed!

You know she is tiny when a newborn outfit and newborn beanie are Huge on her and the chest buckle is wider than her body. Such a little peanut.

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