Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Carys Elizabeth

The whole time you are pregnant you wonder to yourself, "how will this story go?" You wonder what the birth of your baby will be like. You hope that it goes exactly the way you have planned. You worry about the complications and things that could potentially go wrong. So the moment when you get to sit down with your baby snuggled up to your chest and look back on and write the story of their birth, well, it's a special moment.
I went into the hospital around 9 in the morning on October 16th for my usual Tuesday nst (non stress test). I had done everything in my power all weekend to Not take it easy with hopes that my amniotic fluid would be low enough to merit a trip to labor and delivery. Not because I was impatient and sick of being prego and ready to have a baby. Rather because I felt like I could not go another day worrying and stressing that something was going wrong with my baby to make her have the heart decelerations she had been experiencing and worrying day after day what would happen if something serious went wrong that they missed. I couldn't take it. I needed this baby out of me. I needed to hold her and feel her and see her and know that she was okay.
So after monitoring her heart rate (which looked great) they measured the fluid. Well, apparently I did my job well. Anything under a 5.0 wins you a trip to L&D. I was measuring between a 2-3!! I was having a baby! (Relief, relief, relief!)
So I make a million phone calls to make sure Todd is leaving work, Grammy is leaving work, Sarah is finding a sitter to come down, I have people to pick up all my kids and watch them until the baby is born, etc.
It was around 12:00 when they finally had me settled in and hooked up to the pitocin and got things started. We all placed bets on how long the process would take. I was already about 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. We talked about potential middle names for little baby Carys (Daddy was the one choosing her middle name since Mama put her foot down and did not allow negotiations on her first name). The leading contender were Alexandra, Elizabeth and something I am suddenly forgetting. We looked up famous people born on October 16th. We played name that tune and laughed our heads off at Grammy trying to sing all the different songs, occasionally busting out a little dance move here or there. Overall, it was quite a party!

(Daddy sporting his beard! He was very proud to have a full beard at the birth of his daughter, so that it could be recorded and remembered forever!)

Around 4:00 they broke my water and I had them give me the epidural at the same time. I believe I was somewhere around 3 or so cm at that point. I told the nurse, Lisa (who was amazing and hilarious and a perfect nurse for our group) that I normally take awhile to get to a 5 and then go super fast from there. 
Sure enough I was spot on. It took until 6:30-6:40 for me to get to 5 cm. But this time I was at an 8 within 20 minutes of that. The nurse came in and started prepping and checking me throughout. Every 5 minutes or so I was another cm dilated. When they were ready they checked me and said babies head was right there. It happened so fast and so relaxed that it was almost hard to take in the fact that I was really just about to have a baby.
The nurse told me to push and I asked her if she was sure (I am known to push babies out fast!). She said yes and so I started to push. And I swear, I had only half pushed when everyone starts saying "Okay stop, stop!" Her head was half way out (yes, I did sort of want to pat myself on the back!) and the doctor said they were just going to let her slide the rest of the way out. She had the cord wrapped around her neck once (probably the explanation for the heart decelerations). And then suddenly, there she was. Little Cary slipped out into the world at 7:36 pm. The moment I heard her cry and saw her little arms and legs flailing around, it was a rush of relief and joy and love just completely overwhelming me. My eyes welled up with tears and words truly failed me. The moment was too perfect. No words could do the moment justice. She was perfect.
 I absolutely love this picture. The very first time I touched my sweet baby.

 Daddy cutting the cord....quite a pro at this by now. 

 Our first family picture. Is that beard not looking great or what?!
 And there she was....our sweet little angel. Our darling baby Carys. Shortly after she was born I asked Todd if he knew her middle name. And without hesitation he said he knew- Carys Elizabeth. It was perfect, just like her.

 Our tiny little baby, weighing only 6 lbs 11 oz. I Never thought I would get such a tiny baby. It was something quite fun to hold someone so tiny.

 Daddy's first time holding his daughter. There is something magical about the love a father has for his baby girl.

 So glad Auntie Rah Rah could be there for this moment as well. 
Grammy with her newest Grandbaby. And possibly the last one she will ever get to See be born. It's a moment that compares to no other moment in life. And yes, it was perfect.

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