Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yes, we swam a lot this summer. And I know that this is already evident by the amount of pictures of swimming I have put up. But these ones were too cute to pass on!
 I am so blown away by Kellen this summer. He has just left all fear behind and totally gone all out! He is a maniac jumping off the wall. He is funny and creative and silly in the things he does. And he has also become a really good swimmer. Without floaties on he is able to swim across the entire width of the pool on his own. He has jumped off the wall without floaties and been able to swim himself back to the wall or the stairs. He is doing so good and I am so proud of him. He will be swimming solo next year for sure!

 Makenna has been spending this summer perfecting a lot of her tricks. She has become a pro diver! I have been really surprised at what a nice dive a 6 year old can pull off. She is great at floating on her back. And recently we discovered she is able to swim the entire length of the pool under water holding her breath. Quite the swimmers!

Little Conner boy. With hair like that he better grow up to learn to surf!

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