Within 10 minutes of being up with Makenna she had been on time out twice. What is that all about? Isn't everyone supposed to be well rested and in a good mood in the morning?
I feel like the first half of my day has been spent counting to three, walking a little girl to the corner with a needy little boy in my arms (for some reason Kellen is anti-napping today) and breathing slowly so that I can try and maintain at least a little patience. Days like this make me wonder, "Is it my kids just being feisty and frustrating today, or am I just being snappy and impatient?"
The two things that I do not tolerate well, if at all, are screaming and hitting/kicking/pushing. And today has just been one of those days. Makenna NEVER used to hit or kick or anything of the sort. But I have seen her be on the recieving end of it a number of times at parks and playgrounds. And now all of the sudden she is trying it out. It is driving me nuts! She rarely does it very hard. Most of the time it is completely random and pretty mild, but still, it is unacceptable. Any advice from others that have gone through this?
Anyway, I am just trying to take a few minutes to vent and then remind myself how cute my kids can be and that I love and adore them more than anything in this world. I wouldn't have my life any other way. But wow, some days just get to you.
Kellen loks scared out of his mind here, but really he was just excited. He loves sitting up in his big boy seat now in the stroller.
What a nude little stud.
Little water babies.
This was good for me. Whenever I look at pictures of my kids while they are sleeping I think to myself "How can I ever get frustrated with such cute, loving little kids? They mean the world to me!" I know I am only human and it happens to every parent. But it is good for me to take a "time out" myslef on days like this. Hopefully part two will go a bit smoother. :)