Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gardening and Big Girl and a Cute Baby

 One of the things I love most about Todd and Kellen's relationship is the way they love to spend time together, out in the yard, working side by side. They just love to be with each other. Kellen loves to help him work and get him drinks and learn what Daddy is doing. And Daddy loves the companionship....makes the time go by much faster. They just melt my heart!
 Well, Daddy was a stud and built the family some raised garden boxes! We were All so excited to get out there and start planting. Even Conner was totally focused on the job at hand. Each of the kids got to pick some plants that they were in charge of planting. It was fun to see them each taking ownership over something and being enthusiastic about watching it grow. 

 Makenna was our Garden Pro because of her experience at school planting their 1st Grade garden. It was cute to hear her tell me all she had learned and watch her give me a step by step run down on how to plant and care for the crops. She is getting so big!

 Makenna very proudly brought her family with the open house this year where she got to show off her room and all the fun things that they do. She has just LOVED being in first grade. And she Adores her teacher, Mrs. Balough. 
I was honored to be selected by Makenna this year to come to her school for the VIP lunch. It is so neat to watch Makenna at school, to see her show me around and teach me what the rules are and what she does. I love watching her interact with her peers and see the way she behaves socially. It is so fun to watch her growing and maturing and really coming into her own little person. And I am so very proud of who that person is. She is adorable!
 Carys at 5 months old! Starting to get so big! This is when your little baby starts to leave you and a big baby starts to replace them. At 5 months old Carys could sit with some help or support, but was well on her way to sitting alone. She was a very happy little girl! Quick to give a smile to her mommy, daddy and siblings. Strangers on the other hand....she does not smile for strangers. She has to size you up before she will start handing out little grins.
She had finally embraced tummy time and was getting really good at rolling both directions any time she wanted to. She was getting better at putting herself to sleep and was starting to prefer sleeping on her belly. She also started using her jumper, which she loves! She still wouldn't take a bottle at all, but was a great nurser. She just likes to make sure she stays close to mama.
 I just can't get enough of this happy, smiley girl. I mean, just look at those cheeks!

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