Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just For Today....

Life with two has actually been easier than I thought it would be. Though there are those hectic moments where both kids are crying or screaming or needing me at the exact same time, those moments pass and they come less often than I expected them to. I am usually running a bit behind, or struggling to get out the door right now. I swear Kellen always needs to eat and Makenna always needs to go "pee pee, poo poo" the minute I think we are Finally ready to go. But whatever, right? Things are(were) going good.
And then Makenna started having "difficulty" staying in her bed when it was nigh night time. We have that issue tackled (for now), but one of the solutions to this problem was either shortening or foregoing Makenna's nap. She just wasn't tired enough at bed time.
So what this means for Mommy is no more break. No more time to get caught up around the house real fast while two kids are sleeping. No more break to regain my sanity and patience on those days when Makenna just Loves to push my buttons. No more time out to come up with a game plan for how to get through the rest of the afternoon and evening.
This is how I was viewing it at first. But then I stopped, and after thinking (for awhile) I decided I really needed to change my attitude and focus on the positive in this.
The last week with Makenna not napping has been AMAZING for the two of us. It gives Makenna and I the opportunity throughout the day to have some one on one time. When Kellen is napping I try and at least use a good chunk of that time to have some Mommy and Kenna time. And I have suddenly realized how much I have missed my little girl. How much I was missing the alone time with her. The time where we could get down and dirty together and just play and laugh and have fun with each other. It made me realize how much her little world has changed since Kellen has arrived. And she has done so great with it all. Kellen gets a lot of my time and attention right now, having to sit and nurse him, change him, hold him, rock him to sleep. I love all the time with my little boy. I wish I had more! But I also love the alone time with Makenna. I have enjoyed being able to be with her and not be distracted or impatient because the baby is getting fussy or hungry. We have had a good week to bond and to reconnect in a way that has been missing.
I love my two little munchkinlanders. They mean the world to me, and more. Makenna is such a strong little personality. She has so much energy. She is a force to be reckoned with. I love everything about her and am grateful to have been reminded of the importance of having individual time (at least a little bit of it) with each of my children every day.
Here are a few captured moments from the last week.
Bustin' a move with her new "ipod" She does not want the headphones plugged in because she wants to hear the music out loud, but insists on wearing them still. I love it!
This is how we all take our shirts off, right?
You have no idea how often I come outside to find Makenna in a situation like this. The child is fearless...it is both a blessing and a curse.
Practicing some new hair styles. These are her first real pig tails!
Such a Ham! Flexing! So Strong!
Impressive bed head, don't you think? I told her that I wanted to take this picture because her hair looked cool and "Crazy"....now any time she looks in the mirror and her hair is messy she says, "Ooooh mama, mine hair is Crazy!"
Looking sweet and innocent (do not be fooled...)
This picture looks sort of vicious, but really Bella is just catching the ball....See?
These faces are just SO Makenna!

This is a poem that I just hung on my fridge. It is a bit of inspiration and help for me throughout the day when I am feeling worn down and tired. I hate going to bed at night thinking I could have/should have been more patient and kind during the day. This poem is a good reminder. You may have already seen it before, but either way, it is worth the read!

Just for this morning . . . . .I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning . . . . .I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning . . . . .I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning . . . . .I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon . . . . .I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon . . . . .I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon . . . . .I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon . . . . .I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon . . . . .I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening . . . . .I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.J

Just for this evening . . . . .I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening . . . . .I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening . . . . .I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening . . . .When I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you goodnight I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer.It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day .............


Dacia said...

What an awesome mom you are! Your kids are so fortunate.

The Picketts said...

You are a GREAT MOMMY!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that poem - hope you don't mind me copying it to my blog! It's beautiful and I'm bawling right now because of it (has NOTHING to do with the pregnancy hormones, I'm sure ha ha ha- yeah right!)
Also - for those days that you MUST get stuff done - or even every other day during Kellen's nap - have that cute little girl of yours have "quiet time." Have her watch a movie, or sit in her room and play or read quietly. Even if it's a few minutes to begin with - you can build up to 30 minutes or so if you want. My sister said that she fell in LOVE with disney movies because when MORE kids came along - she NEEDED that disney "quiet" time to get things done (or nap when she was pregnant with baby #3 and 4!)

You make me excited to have another baby! I AM a little nervous about how I'm going to be able to meet the needs of both of my most prized possessions! Thanks Amanda! :o)

Kipn n' Sarah said...

O my gosh, I am either really hormonal or just going to be a mom but I am totally crying with tears running down my cheeks after reading this post and that poem! O MY GOSH!!! What a blessing it is to be a mommy. Amanda you honestly are my hero of a mother just as much as mom is and that is HUGE!!!! You two are my inspiration and what I work to achieve when I am holding my baby in my arms and dealing with my struggles I will think of how you did it! You are a great example, you have well behaved and beautiful children that I love SO MUCH and you are the coolest mom ever. They are SO LUCKY to have you! Hang in there on the rough days, every mommy has them! Remember that!

Amber said...

Hey Amanda. Very cute kids. I just about cried reading that poem. It is exactly how I have been feeling and how I want to be with my kids. What a great reminder to me that they are only little once and our time with them is precious. Just the other day Maddy said mom this is the best day ever. When I asked why she said because you just played with me and Brandon. ahhhhh! I love my kids.

The Perry family said...

I forgot, that I never posted a comment. Sometimes I read a ton of posts at once and then tell myself that I going to come back and comment. Anyway, I love the poem and McKenna kills me with all her personality. Girl, you are going to have your hands full.... maybe you already do. You are a great mom and it's a great to see that you love your time with them.

AMIT said...

U have written a good sharing thoughts post of yours.

BPO work from home