Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Ketchup!

Here is our little stud muffin in his preschool picture! Is he not adorable. We do not normally do his hair like this, but it's what happened for the picture and it actually looks pretty cute to me. Such a sweet heart. Can't believe he is getting so big.
Makenna got so lucky having Mrs. Folks as her teacher this year. I seriously could not have asked for a better fit and someone better to start her on this road. She is amazing, and as you can tell Makenna adores her. She keeps making sure to tell me that she wants to invite her to her birthday party :) So cute!
Conner is already good at hanging in with big kids. For awhile this was his favorite way to swing. And in good, crazy Conner fashion he would head for the swing with a running start and just dive onto it on his belly. Such a goon!
Right before St. Patty's Day Makenna's Kinder class had a leprechaun picnic that Kellen and I were able to go with her on. I love watching her interact with all her school buddies.
She was such a good big sister that day, holding Kellen's hand or putting her arm around them as they walked to the park. It was darling. When she has her good moments they are really good.
Kellen very patiently waited for all the Kindergarteners to take their pictures with the leprechaun and thne wanted me to get a picture of him with the leprechaun. That kid is something special! As of right now he wants to be a leprechaun for Halloween. We will see how it holds up.

Papa is back from Utah now and the kids have really enjoyed having him back. He is such a kid at heart and is great at taking endless amounts of time to just sit and play with the kids. 
Sure, it may be a funny picture. And I am sure I will laugh even more some day when this toddler is all grown and I am showing these pics to him and his wife. But I cannot begin to tell you what a headache this has been for me. You could hardly leave the kid alone by the kitchen for 30 seconds without coming back to find him looking for "nacks" in the pantry. After the 30th time of taking him down in a day you are a bit exhausted. Silly boy. Keeps me on my toes ;)
Another time of the day when leaving him alone for a few seconds is not a good idea. Apparently he thought the first bath was not sufficient enough. 
Daddy and Kenna got an assignment to build a homemade kite for her to bring to school and fly at a bit picnic they had. I was so proud of Daddy and Kenna and their hard work! The kit looked awesome and you could tell Makenna was very proud....and I think Daddy was too!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

St. Patty's Day

Having Kellen in our family, I have decided that we are pretty much going to have to celebrate every single holiday...and celebrate it Good! Even the holidays that in the past I barely viewed as holidays. Ex: St Patricks Day. Yes, I always wore green and got joy out of pinching those who did not, but that was the extent of my St Patricks participation.

But not this year...
We started by having a family home evening on leprechauns. We learned what leprechauns are, what they look like, that they are tricky, mischievous, magical little men. Kellen was thrilled to learn that one of their favorite colors is orange! We learned that they have a pot of gold that they keep hidden at the end of a rainbow. And that if you catch one (which is NOT an easy feat!) then the leprechaun will have to grant you 3 wishes before you will let him go. 

So with much excitement, we picked up a couple of boxes from the store - One for Kenna and one for Kellen. Then we busted out our paints and the kids got to work decorating their boxes and turning them into leprechaun traps.

I was VERY impressed with both children's decorating jobs! What leprechaun could resist?

The night before St. Patricks Day the kids set up their traps and chose whatever treats they thought would lure the leprechaun into their traps....mostly a lot of candy and a trail of lucky charms

The traps did their jobs luring the leprechauns into the house, but sadly we didn't catch a single one. Though they did leave a huge mess behind, a lot of confetti, a small bucket of goodies for each kid and a lot of coins!

Love these kids and their love for celebrating! Better luck to us next year!