I always enjoyed Disneyland as a kid....but wow, going as a parent is Soooo much better. Last week we took Makenna and Kellen to Disneyland for the first time as part of Makenna's birthday present. I was a little worried that maybe she was still a little too young to really appreciate it, but that worry was put to rest immediately. She loved every minute of it. And even Kellen had more fun and got to do more things than I was expecting him to. Both of the kids were total troopers and we basically spent the entire day there, from when they opened until they closed. Grammy, Auntie Rah Rah and baby Brooke all came with to participate in the special occasion. It was a great day to be there and we got to go on a ton of rides. It was just such a fun day and seeing Disneyland come to life through your child's eyes is just, yes this will sound cheesy, but it's magical. If you are laughing at me right now you are either not a mom, or have not taken your child to Disneyland. If you are a mom and have been to Disneyland and are still laughing at me, then you need counseling :)
Does it get any sweeter than this?
I know you can go on a merry-go-round just about anywhere, but there is something special about the one at Disneyland.
Makenna said the teacups were her favorite ride. I was impressed by the girl! We were going darn fast in that thing and she loved it! We took Kellen on later (can you believe they let a baby ride those??) and the poor kid looked like he was going to vomit. I had to cover his eyes part way through. It was worth a good laugh!
Keeping each other entertained in line. What a good big sissy trying to help her brother get into trouble. It begins so early ;)
"I don't know about this ma! That sword is in there pretty darn tight..."
I love my cute little niece. Brooke was such a good baby all day!
Nothin' like some Grammy love!
Makenna getting her first pair of ears....a very important day in every child's life!
While in line for the rocket ride the attendant advised Todd and I that we may want to ride in separate rockets since Todd was so tall. But we ignored the mans advice after seeing to other grow adults climb out of one together. Well, let's just say the attendant knew what he was talking about. We tried our best, but there was NO way we would have ever fit in that thing together. Quite possibly the funniest moment of the day.
Very proud parents!
"Ooops, somebody better check my diaper...."
Kellen loves to mimic his big sissy.
I love Disneyland, but wow...for being a place that is centered around child entertainment these rides can be pretty crazy and scary. Poor girl came off the first ride crying (Mr. Toads Wild Ride). Luckily she is tough enough to be willing to go on more, and we found that talking to her and explaining things through the ride helped out a lot. But wow, that place can be quite dark and creepy.
For all of those who do not believe me, here is the proof. My hubby can be a total goof! I love him!
My "not so little" babies are looking so big these days!
Makenna in all her minnie mouse glory! She couldn't get enough of it.
I love Disneyland! What fun pictures!
this was a cute post and no i wasn't laughing, i totally understand all the "cheesy" yet totally not cheesy mom feelings. i love reading about makenna and how she is so thrilled by life in general! poor sarah, was she in a wheel chair the whole day?! The picture of brook you posted with the diaper caption is SO SO cute :)
I love all of the pictures you chose to post! That was such a fun day and I am so happy that Brooke and I got to spend it with you! I totally agree that seeing it through a childs eyes is such a different experience than just going as an adult. My child is not quite there yet with getting the whole Disneyland thing but she did give us some good faces there so that was fun!
I have missed way too much on your blog! Disneyland looks like so much fun! I really want to take the kids now! I love your temple pics! You are a beautiful family and I'm so happy that you guy were able to get sealed! Such a profound moment in life and so important. I'm so proud of you Amanda, and for the choices that have gotten you to this point!
I seriously will never forget the first time we took the kids to Disneyland. There is nothing better! I know exactly what you mean.
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