Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photo Shoot

I think one potential career for Makenna would be a photographer. The girl LOVES to take pictures. The other day she even found Todd's iPhone, figured out how to get it on the camera setting (which I can barely do so I don't know how she figured it out on her own) and took about 30 pictures with his phone :) Most of them were of the wall and the floor, but it was pretty funny. I can now bribe her into behaving in pictures that I take by promising her she can take some pictures herself when I am done. I usually end up being Makenna's subject, so I end up with a lot of ridiculous pictures of myself. So I thought I would share some pictures from our most recent photo shoot.

And here are just a few other cute, random pics...
This was a very touching moment for me...it was the first time that Makenna ever went and, on her own accord, got dressed in her princess dress up clothes. She said she was Princess Kenna and I was Princess Mama....it was so cute! I love having a girl!
This here is funny to me because Makenna insisted upon going to sleep without her shirt on because she was trying to be like Mowgli from The Jungle Book. She also wanted to take off her shorts because she said Mowgli doesn't wear shorts. She's right, but I didn't have a loin cloth for her to put on, so I was able to convince her that they were short, just special jungle shorts. That seemed to satisfy her enough to keep her shorts on. I love my silly sissy roo!


Auntie Steph said...

Looks like she's taking after Aunt Rah Rah with the photography ! Love the pics ! How soon before she has her own camera ?

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Ok so the pictures of the two of you doing the dirty look on your face, IDENTICAL!!!! Seriously!!! She is a total HOOT!! I love to laugh at her too, she is a bundle of fun and always has some new thing that just cracks me up!

The Perry family said...

That girl is so funny! Curtis had mowgli shorts, not on purpose though. Kenna takes some pretty good pics! The ones of you 2 scowling, you guys look exactly the same. Too cute!