My darling Makenna and Kellen.
Thank you for all the love and the joy that you bring into my life...for showing me a love that I never even knew was possible.
Thank you for teaching me to be selfless...to put the needs of the ones I love before my own.
Thank you for teaching me patience and understanding, and more patience. To stop and slow down and not always have to be in a hurry and that life is better enjoyed when you're not.
Thank you for reminding me what life is like through the eyes of a child and to appreciate the little things that, in reality, are So Big!
Thank you for laughing with me and playing with me and showing me how to leave the dishes in the sink and the laundry to be done later and enjoy the moments that will come but once. The chores will always be there....your children won't.
Thank you for showing me my faults and weaknesses and for being patient with me while I learn to be better, and for loving me despite all of my shortcomings.
Thank you for your smiles, your hugs, your kisses (slobbery as they can be at times).
Thank you for choosing me....for giving me the opportunity, the responsibility, the honor of being your Mama. I feel unworthy, but will do my best every day to be the mother that you deserve. I love you both so much more than you will ever know. You are my world, my life, my heart.
Makenna Mae 8/18/06

Kellen Edward Walter 10/4/08

Kenna-1 week old

Kellen-1 week old

And to my mother, my best friend. My first love. My rock. My hero.
You have always been there for me and always will....the peace and comfort that brings to my life means more than words can express. You are a mother unlike anything anyone could ask for. You are the most loving, kind, patient, selfless, spiritual, thoughtful person I know. You set an example as a mother that I aspire to be every day. You have done so much for me and continue to do so much for me. Your sacrifice and your time does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all you have been and continue to be to me. Thank you for being so strong, for always being there when I needed you and even when I thought I didn't need you. Thank you for being my shelter, my home, my rock that I can always return to. I love you more than you know and pray every day that I can be the kind of mother you are to me and make you proud. I pray that I can have the sort of relationship with my children that I have with you. I will never be too old to need my mommy. I love you and will always be your baby girl.
Grammy and Makenna

Grammy and Kellen

your kids could be twins when they were first born! How precious! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post!
Not only are you an incredible mother, you also have a great way with words that makes everyone feel great !
Love you !
Ok I am totally BAWLING!!!! I have tears and snot dripping down my face at this very moment! Seriously, it it becuse I am pregnant or just because your words are so incredably sincere and amazing! You put your thoughts into words in a way that just pierces through my heart! Reading this post makes me SO SO SO excited to hold my little girl and be her mommy and learn all of those things and have all of those experiences you spoke about! I also agree about EVERYTHING you said about mom! I could not put it into any better words than that! BEAUTIFUL POST. Now I need to go get a tissue, the snot is sneaking into my mouth now! LOVE YOU SIS!!! You are such an amazing mother and I will try daily to be the mom that you and mom are and have taught me to be! I CANT WAIT TO BE A MOMMY OF AN OUTSIDE BABY!!!
P.S. I never realised how much baby Kenna and baby Kellen looked alike, CRAZY!!!
You are so amazing with words. I am tearing up right now! You should seriously write a book. Wonderful post. I love Mothers Day, for the fact that we can take the day to remind our mothers and children how much we love them!
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