The San Diego Temple will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the first temple I was ever in when I went through for the dedication. It is where I was sealed to my mother and father as a child...something I still remember! It is where my husband took me and my daughter and got down on his knee requesting that I be his wife. It was the temple I was able to attend yesterday. And very soon (hopefully the end of June/beginning of July) it will be the place I will go with my Husband, Daughter and Son to be sealed together as a family for all eternity!
Oh Amanda - I am SO incredibly happy for you and your family! What a very special experience for you to be able to share...and I wish that I could be there to see your family get sealed together. There is NOTHING like seeing small children sealed to their parents! AMAZING! Congratulations!
I am soo happy for you !
Congrats !
Love you !
I am so glad that I got to be there with you on that special day yesterday and I can't wait for the day you are all going to be sealed together as a family! It is going to be so stinkin cool and I am sure I will cry like a baby!
Congrats sis, it has been a long road and such a blessing to have been with you in that temple yesterday! I look forward to the many many years we can go together!
that is so great. I'm so glad you had a good experience, it would be very very difficult not to :) The spirit you feel in the temple is the same one you feel every other second of the day, but it's like times a million in strength. I'm glad it holds a special place in your life. I'm really happy for you and your family...that will be awesome to be sealed...what more insurance do you need really :)
Amanda, I am so happy for you! Going to the temple is an amazing experience, especially for the first time. It is wonderful to see how you've embraced the gospel. I was so happy to see you bear your testimony a couple of months ago. Remember how you felt going through the temple and build upon that spirit and testimony.
i assumed you'd gone when you a todd got married,shows what i know. i'm happy for you. families make life the ultimate experience. love you auntie amber
Congrats, what an awesome experience! I'm so happy for you!!!!
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