Anyways, here it is- The ever growing Buddha!

She said that they will not let me go more than 7 days past my due date. So I guess that means he will be here within 14 days from now, worst case scenario. I am just praying that this child has a Sept that really too much to ask?
Any self-inducing labor tips would be much appreciated :)

I am soooo amazed that Kellen hasn't come yet! My guess is Thursday! He will be here! I bet you are just soooo sick of being pregnant now! You look great though!
I pray for your sake that this is the last of the pictures! I am so sorry that you have been being teased for 3 weeks now! I hope the little guy is not like his mommy or daddy and decide to stay in till the longest moment possible! Seriously, you are so almost there, why doesn't your body just go into labor dang it. I could get off work and everything!
Stubborn little guy! Still can't wait to see him!
Awww, I am sorry!! If he doesn't come today, it will be in 2 days!! That's when I had Tori...4 days to my due date...K, but SORRY!! Run up stairs 10 times before bed, that is what I did every night before bed...FUN TIMES!!! I HOPE I hear from Sarah when you do have him though!!
ha ha i love your expression in this picture! Hopefully he comes soon i can't wait to see pictures of him!
Oh you poor thing...He'll be here before you know it though :) Mckenna is so darling, and I just know her and Lance would be buds!
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