Yesterday was Todd and my two year anniversary. It is weird to think that we have been married two years. On one hand the time feels like it has flown by. It is so easy to look back and remember dating and our honeymoon and beginning life together. In other ways it feels like it has been Sooo much longer than that (in a good way of course). I feel like we have done so much in two years. And we do have quite an established family for only two years of marriage. But mostly it just feels like we have been together for so much longer.
I feel like such a lucky woman to be loved so much by such an amazing man. And have him want my love in return. He knows how to make me feel so loved and adored. I never doubt his love for me and hope that every day I show him just how much I love him and how much he means to me so that he will never have to doubt my love, devotion and loyalty to him. He has brought happiness into my life that I never thought existed or I could ever deserve. I am so grateful that we were brought together. He compliments me and makes me a better person every day and I hope and pray I do the same for him.
Todd, I love you with all my heart. Thank you....for everything.

Holy cow, I didn't remember Kenna being so small! You 2 look beautiful together!! I am so happy for you guys! It's such a blessing to be loved by a wonderful man who treats you as queen! You have a beautiful family! Congratualtions you two!
Sis this is a very sweet post! Happy Anniversary to you two!
Happy Belated Anniversary! I love the pictures...they are amazing and so are you. May your eternity together be blissful.
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