Kellen is 9 1/2 weeks old, and for over a week now he has fit into 6 month clothing. We went to the doctor last week for his 8 week check up. This little man checked in at 13lbs 15oz and 25in long! He is in the 90th percentile for weight and he is off the charts for height!. I just can't believe how fast he is growing. It is nice to know that he is a healthy and strong boy. It makes me feel like I must make miracle milk, since the kid is growing so fast :) But it is also a bit sad at times. I saw a newborn baby on t.v. today and got all teary eyed. My baby boy is growing up so quick. But like I said, I am happy he is healthy.
But Dang! This little boy is going to be tall. All I know is he better put his height to good use...I will have this kid on the basketball courts as soon as he can carry himself on two legs :)

cute pix! Love the one of you and the giant!
He so dang cute! That's great he'll have height, more than I can say for my kids :)
He is so stinkin cute, at least he is not a freaky looking GIANT he is totally totally cute and you two look so much alike in your litte pic together!
I can't wait to go to his games, it is going to be SO FUN!!! I can see it now, the mom and the aunt the freaks in the stands. It is going to be SO FUN!!!
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