After 20 months of having this beautiful little girl in my life, it still amazes me how much the love I feel for her has consumed me. The love I have as a mother for my child, my daughter, is unlike anything I have ever known. It is the one, true unconditional love. It is a love that begins at the core of your being and consumes everything from the inside out. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for this little girl. There is no sacrifice I would not make, no distance I would not go, no end to what I would do to make my baby happy.

She is becoming such a big girl. She is calling me Mommy now instead of Mama. She is independent and strong willed and stubborn as can be. She is everything I could ever wish she would be. And she will always be mine. She will always be my baby.
I thank the lord every morning, every day, every night for blessing me with this little angel. For trusting her little life, her heart in my hands. I feel so unworthy at times, but I do my best, and will never stop loving her.

She is My World. My Life. My Love
Amanda that was so sweet and I even got a little choked up reading it. I hope that you coppied that down and wrote that in her journal you are keeping for her. It will be so touching for her to read that some day. I love the photo's you choose and I have never seen that last one, I love the expression. She is one beautiful angel and is such a blessing to us all. I am so grateful that the lord placed her in all of our lives and into this family, she has touched and changed each of us forever! What an angel! Beautiful post!
those pictures are so cute! she def. has a ton of personality! youre such a good mommy to her!
I know exactly how you feel!
You seriously took the words out of my mouth! Isn't it amazing!? And the thing that shocks me is how much that love GROWS EVERY DAY! It feels like you love her SO much already, how could you POSSIBLY love her anymore?!?!?! But everyday....more and more! Thanks for sharing and reminding me (as if I need it ha ha) of my love for my little Gracie!
P.S. I'm adding you to my blog...we're officially "blog" friends now! And I'm sad I didn't get to see you...though, I feel like we were caught up as Sarah brought me up to speed on you and your cute GROWING family ! Congrats! I'm SO happy for you! Keep me posted on what's going on!
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