Monday, January 26, 2015

Double the Fun!

The older these kids get the more their mom looks for ways to simplify birthday parties. And luckily the kids have been happy about this idea as well and have worked with me well! This year we decided to have Makenna and Conner have their parties together. Because they combined their party we went to the boardwalk which they loved! They each got to invite a handful of friends. We ate pizza, played games and went on rides and had a blast!
Con wanted all things Ninja Turtle. Him and a few of his cute friends. 
This picture right here was my very favorite moment of the entire day. They were so sweet while we were singing happy birthday too them! Made a mama's heart full! 
Makenna was super cute and let Conner go first and blow out his candles all by himself. 
That gave her a few extra seconds to think up a really good wish!
Makenna, Gwyn and Kara! Such beautiful ladies!

Just Watching the girls spin around in this thing made me want to throw up! Oh, to be young and be able to handle anything! Love these crazy, brave girls!
I realize everyone looks borderline bored in this picture, but I swear they love this ride. It induces a lot of high pitched squealing! Note Conner and his awesome socks with sandals look! Silly boy that I love so very much!
I blinked and then she was 8....
One of the most entertaining gifts of the year! You can't wear this mask or look at someone wearing this mask without smiling!

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