Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Joy School...and more about Con

Whether I like it or not, my baby boy Conner is getting bigger and bigger and is definitely part of the big boys club these days. For whatever reason I have just had a really hard time accepting that Conner is growing up as much as he is. It feels like he is still my little baby. Like I can remember so easily when he was just a tiny little babe, all curled up in my arms and sleeping on my chest. But alas, he is not. He is a long haired, fun loving, wild, mischievous, adorable little man. 
One of my good friends was a genius and suggested doing a "joy school" for the little ones. Definition of Joy School - Mom's get together and rotate having the kids come to their house and host a couple of hours of "preschool" for the kids which includes a lesson, activities, songs, learning, playing, etc. 
So far it has been Conner and 3 others- Carter, Noah and Jocelyn. He really loves "going to school". He enjoys getting his backpack ready, loading it up with a snack, a pull-up, his "nigh night" and usually one of his baby dolls and heading off to school. I am really happy for him to have the chance to socialize and have fun and learn.
Such cute little kiddos having play time and then sitting on the carpet for songs and lessons. It is actually quite amazing what a long attention span these little 2-3 year olds have. I was truly amazed the first time I taught....they did so good sitting in one spot!

Mommy took the boys at the end of September to get their pictures taken. Both of them were soooo well behaved and did so good during their pictures that we went and shared some pretzel bites and a ride on the carousel afterwards. I am so blessed to have such handsome, sweet boys in my life!
I have to mention how cute Conner was during the pictures. He was trying So very hard to smile like the guy asked him to. He would stand still and look right at the camera, and with a very stiff face say "Cheeeeeeese". It was such a stiff, forced looking smile and the photographer was trying so hard to get him to give a real, genuine smile and make him laugh with puppets and stuffed animals, etc. But the more he tried to loosen Conner up, the more stiff and freaked out Conner got (I don't blame him for a minute). I finally got the guy to just be content to take the pictures as he was. Like I said, he was trying So hard to be cooperative. It was cute, pathetic, sweet and funny all at once. 
A few things I want to remember about Conner at 2 years old:
-He is definitely "The Con" and even calls himself "Con Con" which sounds like "Ton Ton"
-He is talking more and more every day and becoming quite the conversationalist
-He gets sad any time someone has a birthday because he thinks it is supposed to be his turn to have a birthday again. He loves to make pretend cakes in his room with his pretend food and throw pretend birthday parties.
-He loves to help feed Bella in the mornings and often times takes the bowl out, sits it on his lap and has her eat that way.
-Very independent little man. Right now everything is "No, ME!!!" which means, "No, don't help me! I want to do it on my own!"
-Pretty good counter: "1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10!" (or something like that)
-Has very sensitive eyes. Loves/needs to wear sunglasses when we are in the car. If he does not have glasses with him he says "Hot day in my eyes" when the sun shines on his face. It is the cutest thing ever and always makes me laugh!
-Loves his baby dolls. He has his own baby, baby Steve, which he takes good care of and is quite attached too. But he also loves to play with and carry around Kellen's baby Toby. Most of the time Kellen is really impressive with how well he shares Toby.
-Con is going to be an amazing big brother

 Con is doing so good in his big boy bed. It still makes me smile to leave the room and say goodnight to my "boys" in the same room. It is cute to hear the two of them talking and laughing and chatting when they are supposed to be falling asleep. It is even funny to watch the two of them sneak out of the room together....but of course I am not allowed to smile or laugh at this in front of them. Conner is normally either sideways in his bed when I check on him or on the floor. He is on the floor A LOT! I don't know if he does it intentionally or just moves around so much that he rolls out. It is not something either of the other kids had issues with. But he always looks comfy there and never cries or complains. He is getting so big. They all are.
 When Daddy comes home from work he LOVES to help him take off his shoes. I don't know exactly how it started, but Conner is always there, eager and ready to remove his shoes and socks and then even help him put his shoe trees in. Whatever brainwashing or manipulating was done by Daddy here to get his kids to think it was the coolest thing to take off stinky shoes is impressive to me. It's a cute bonding moment to watch.
I don't know why, because it can't be comfortable, but the sunglasses are almost always put on upside down. I guess he just likes to have his own style!

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