I haven't really had a chance to go through them and find all my favs, and a few have to be worked on a little, but here is a sneak preview of how they turned out. I will putting up more soon. 

Also, I am now 35 weeks prego! WooHoo! Although I am totally excited that we are drawing to a close, I am also a bit freaked out because the nursery is still a mess and we need a few more essentials before we are quite ready.
On top of that, I had an apt today. The baby is doing great and seems healthy as can be. But I am already 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. That is a bit more than my doctor would like to see at only 35 weeks, so she told me I Had to SLOW DOWN so that we can make sure he stays in there at least 2 more weeks (we want to make it to 37 wks so he is considered "term"). So I am taking her advice and am even more worried about getting everything ready before his grand entrance. I am sure it will all work out. But who knows, this little guy could be here sooner rather than later....Yikes!
On top of that, I had an apt today. The baby is doing great and seems healthy as can be. But I am already 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. That is a bit more than my doctor would like to see at only 35 weeks, so she told me I Had to SLOW DOWN so that we can make sure he stays in there at least 2 more weeks (we want to make it to 37 wks so he is considered "term"). So I am taking her advice and am even more worried about getting everything ready before his grand entrance. I am sure it will all work out. But who knows, this little guy could be here sooner rather than later....Yikes!
You are so stinkin beautiful, you looked like a model in all the pics! I loved taking those shots!!! I think I am going to have a hard time finding a fav!
Also, PLEASE take it easy so you do not have him while I am out of town in Vegas! I am so worried now! Let me know if you need help with anything as well! Love Ya!
oh my gosh! your already 50% efaced and 1/2 cent. dialated! I bet he is going to come soon! That is scary but so exciting! And wow! You look amazing! You def. do AMAZING with pregnancy! Your belly is soooo tiny! Thats all you gained! And the pictures turned out great! The one of you and Todd really shows the love he has for your son. So cute!
You are BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE these pics! Sarah did a brilliant job and you are just a hottie prego! (I wish I was cute - instead, I'm just a WHALE! HA HA). Hopefully that little guy will stay in there for a few more weeks! Good luck!
You're adorable!
"WOW" Is this seeing my daughter in a totally different way or what? How totally amazing and breath takingly beautiful. The true essence of womanhood and motherhood caught in the magic moment of light and shutter-speed. Sarah is a genuine artist! What an emotional composition of love and beauty! "I LOVE IT"
I just love looking at all of the amazing pictures that tell a wonderful story in a magical sort of way. Truly this is the essence of Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as seen and expressed by the McKamey family. How proud I am to be a part of this family circle of love. A father's joy is magnified in the joy and happiness he see's his children enjoying and expressing in their daily lives. What a joy you all are :O)
You look so amazing Amanda! I love the photos with Todd and Makenna... well, I love the pictures with just you too. Sarah did a great job and you are a great model!
Those pictures are amazing, you look so beautiful! How fun, you are going to have another little one running around! Can't wait to see some pictures when he comes! You look fabulous!
I love these pics! You are such a beautiful pregnant person!! It makes prenancy look good, which is hard to do! You are a hot sexy prego woman!! Ow, ow!!
K, SO Sarah FREAKIN ROCKS!! I LOVE your pictures!! You look REALLY GOOD!! They came out AWESOME!! ;)
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