For the new year Todd and I both set a family goal of having regular Family Home Evenings in our house. It is so easy to get busy in the evenings already. And we both realized that unless we made a constant priority to devote our Monday evenings to it then it would never happen. So we are going about a month strong now. And the great part is that the kids love it and actually ask if it is Family Home Evening probably 3 or 4 times a week. They are frustrated that it is only once, and I can't blame them for enjoying it. It is so nice to take the time to stop and enjoy one another and spend time together. It also makes me feel good knowing that we are taking the time to teach our children the gospel and that they know how important it is to us.
Last week was Makenna's turn to be in the dessert assistant. I asked her what she wanted us to make and she wanted a McKamey Family cake with blue and red frosting. So that is what she got. It was nice because even making the cake with her and Kellen was a lot of fun and a good way to spend some time together. Plus, we all got to eat a lot of yummy blue frosting, and that is always a good time!
My cute kids and their cute cake. I love how Kellen is trying to pose the same was as Makenna.
I can hardly believe that Conner is already 8 months old. For some reason 8 months just starts to sound big to me. He is now definitely closer to a one year old than he is to a newborn. His look is changing. His attitude is becoming more mature. He is developing opinions and letting them be known more often. He now make it known if he gets mad at his brother or sister for taking something away from him that he was playing with (some of the time at least). He is just acting like a bigger and older baby. Which, as always, is both fun and exciting as well as a bit sad.
Here is a bit about Conner at 8 months:
-He is only waking up once a night (most of the time). He will have a bottle around 2 am and then go back to sleep until around 7-7:30
-He is taking 2 naps a day, each one lasting anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours.
- We have started a few finger foods (puffs, Cheerios and mum mums). He loves them all and loves feeding himself. He has recently mastered picking up small food and actually getting it into his mouth!
- He can clap and loves having Pat-a-Cake sung to him. He actually loves it when you sing anything to him! If he is on the floor and you are singing to him he will bob up and down a bit.
- He had his first ear infection and thanks to Kellen also got pink eye at the same time. Handled them both like a champ!!
- He is getting onto his hands a knees a bit and is definitely figure out how to pull himself around a bit. I give it 2 weeks Tops before he is mobile (in some way).
- He Loves taking baths at night and loves having his hair brushed afterward!
- His hemangioma has either not grown or has only grown a tiny bit in the last month or is so hard to tell for sure. We go and see a dermatologist again at the end of April.
- He is passed the 20 lb mark. While at the doctor for his ear infection he weight 21 lbs 2 oz!
- Conner loves to suck on his blanky to sooth himself and has to have it to go to sleep at night.
- Loves to coo and babble and is starting to make a lot of new sounds and combined sounds together.
- Developing a small amount of separation anxiety. Watches as you walk out of the room and will cry about it a little bit.
WE just love our little Conner to pieces. He brings so much joy and love and peace to our home. He has such a sweet, kind spirit to him. I couldn't ask for a better, happier, more cuddly, adorable baby! It's so fun to watch his personality develop more and more and see the cute little boy he is becoming. His brother and sister can't wait for him to be up and running with them. I am sure he will be before I know it!